For each of the topics presented, if appropriate I will provide a best case, acceptable, and unacceptable letter grade to use for comparison.
The best example gets an A+ with an appropriate report card
Good to Acceptable will get the B- report card

If your standard is excellence then C and D grades are just slightly different versions of Fail. I know everything is a tradeoff, that everyone is facing challenging budgets and limited resources...for the sake of discussion and setting a bar lets just aim for excellence and I'll assume you are doing the best you can with what you have.
Sometimes when thinking deeply about the best way to teach a game principle I'll want to call out a good idea.

While many of these ideas will have been proven out in the field, some of these 'good' ideas are completely untested - I'll try to give enough details so you can tell them apart, but when in doubt assume it just flew Athena-like out of my head and onto the blog page.
I'll mark all of these good ideas with an ecologically friendly LED Lightbulb.
I will also occasional highlight those A+ programs, classes, and instructors who I think are really doing it right.
Rejected icon concept:
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